What to Expect When Getting Dentures

Getting dentures for the first time can feel like a daunting process. At Coronado Family Dental, we're committed to making this journey as comfortable and informative as possible. In this blog, we'll guide you through what you can expect when getting dentures in Albuquerque.

Understanding Dentures

Dentures are removable replacements for missing teeth and surrounding tissues. They come in two types: complete and partial. Complete dentures are used when all teeth are missing, while partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain. Dentures not only improve your smile but also help in maintaining facial muscles and improving speech and digestion.

The Process of Getting Dentures

Getting dentures usually involves several appointments over a few weeks. The process starts with a consultation where Dr. Chiem will examine your mouth and discuss your options. Next, precise measurements and impressions of your mouth are taken to create your custom dentures. Several fittings may be necessary to ensure the color, shape, and fit are perfect.

The Importance of a Good Fit

A good fit is crucial for the success of your dentures. Ill-fitting dentures can cause discomfort, sores, and infections. They can also make eating and speaking more difficult. That's why it's important to choose a dentist who is experienced in fitting dentures, like Dr. Chiem at Coronado Family Dental. She will take the time to ensure your dentures fit perfectly and make any necessary adjustments.

Adjusting to Your New Dentures

It's normal to experience some discomfort when you first start wearing your dentures. They may feel a bit odd or loose for a few weeks until your muscles get used to holding them in place. You might also experience minor irritation or soreness. However, these problems diminish as your mouth adjusts.

Caring for Your Dentures

Just like natural teeth, dentures require daily care to stay clean and keep your mouth healthy. Brush them daily to remove food particles and plaque, and soak them overnight in a denture cleaner. It's also important to continue regular dental check-ups so that Dr. Chiem can monitor your oral health and ensure your dentures continue to fit properly.

Life with Dentures

Living with dentures may require some adjustments, but it can significantly improve your quality of life. You'll be able to eat and speak more comfortably, and your new smile can boost your confidence. Remember, it's normal to have questions and concerns, and we're here to support you every step of the way.

Denture Replacements and Adjustments

Over time, your mouth naturally changes, which can affect the fit of your dentures. Bone and gum ridges can recede or shrink, resulting in loose dentures. Loose dentures can cause various problems, including sores, infections, and difficulty eating and speaking. To keep your dentures fitting properly, it's important to replace them about every 5 years and have them evaluated by your dentist during your regular check-ups.

Discover Your Best Smile With Dentures in Albuquerque

If you're considering dentures, we invite you to reach out to us at Coronado Family Dental in Albuquerque. Dr. Chiem and her team are dedicated to providing personalized, compassionate care. Our goal is to help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile. Call us today at (505) 369-6451 to schedule your consultation. We're here to guide you through your journey to a better smile.