Dental Fillings in Albuquerque

What Is a Dental Filling?

A dental filling is a common restorative dentistry procedure used to restore the function and integrity of a missing tooth structure. The need for a filling typically arises from cavities caused by tooth decay, but fillings also repair damage to teeth caused by teeth grinding or nail-biting.

Family dentistry Albuquerque

Did you know…

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Over 92% of adults aged 20-64 have had dental cavities in their permanent teeth.

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The Dental Fillings Treatment Process

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Examination and Preparation

The first step in the dental filling process is a thorough examination. Your Albuquerque dentist will use a small mirror to check the surfaces of each tooth. Anything that looks abnormal will then be closely checked with special instruments. Dr. Chiem may also take X-rays of your entire mouth or a section of it. The type of treatment Dr. Chiem chooses will depend on the extent of damage caused by decay.

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Removing the Decay

After the examination and preparation, Dr. Chiem will then remove the decayed tooth material. This is usually done using a drill, air abrasion instrument, or laser. The choice of instrument depends on the location and extent of the decay.

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Filling the Tooth

Once the decay has been removed, Dr. Chiem will prepare the space for the filling by cleaning the cavity of bacteria and debris. If the decay was near the root, Dr. Chiem may first put in a liner made of glass ionomer, composite resin, or other material to protect the nerve. Generally, after the filling is in, Dr. Chiem will finish and polish it.

The Benefits Of Dental Fillings

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Restores Tooth Function and Prevents Further Decay

Banish discoloration and stains from the comfort of your own home! We only need you to pop in for a super short 15-minute appointment to take impressions of your teeth. These impressions will be used as a mold to create your custom whitening trays. This prevents the gel from touching your gums.

Once they’re ready, you can pick them up and begin treatment on your own terms. Take-home whitening involves using a lower concentration of peroxide which is why it takes repeated use to achieve the same results as in-office whitening. 

Simply apply the gel to your trays, wear them over your teeth for the instructed duration of time, and then remove them. It takes 1 to 2 weeks to reach your final results. Your teeth will gradually whiten more each day.

Enhances Aesthetics

Dental fillings can be made to match the color of your natural teeth, giving you a more natural appearance. This is particularly important when the fillings are needed in visible areas, such as your front teeth. Modern composite fillings can be precisely color-matched to blend seamlessly with your existing teeth, making them virtually undetectable. This allows patients to smile, speak, and laugh with confidence, knowing their dental work is discreet. The aesthetic benefits of tooth-colored fillings can also contribute to improved self-esteem and social interactions for those who were previously self-conscious about their dental issues.

Long-Lasting Solution

Dental fillings, particularly those made from amalgam, are durable and can last many years. Even fillings made from composite materials can last a long time, making this treatment a cost-effective solution for tooth decay. With proper care and maintenance, including regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene practices, fillings can remain effective for 10-15 years or even longer. This longevity reduces the need for frequent replacements, saving patients time and money in the long run. Additionally, the durability of dental fillings means less disruption to daily life, as patients can eat, drink, and maintain their normal routines without worrying about damaging their dental work.

Did you know…

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The first dental fillings were made of gold and were used as early as the 19th century.

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